Please click on the title of the website to access the resource.
A Green New Learning Agenda: Approaches to Qualtiy Education for Climate Action
This paper introduces a green skills heuristic (Figure 2) to inform decisionmakers on the range of education pathways to transform human social and economic systems to address the climate crisis. This is particularly important as countries attempt to strengthen their Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) strategies with regard to education and training in their updated NDCs, and as efforts to develop National ACE Strategies or National Climate Change Learning Strategies continue.
Clean Energy and Education Workforce Alliance
The Clean Energy Education & Workforce Alliance is a coalition of clean energy education educators, organizations, agencies, colleges and universities, advocates, researchers, energy industry associations, utilities and renewable energy companies. We are committed to working towards a resilient and equitable clean energy economy shaped by informed and engaged educators, students and public.
Climate Careers Summit/ Portland Public Schools
A series of recorded sessions from in-field professionals introducing greenjobs and skills needed. This includes the following professtoins: solar, health equity; EVs; sustainable forestry; sustainable design; climate policy; energy engineering; energy efficiency. Suitable for educators desiring background knowledge and teaching ideas. Educators.
Green Careers for a Changing Climate/ Climate Generation
Green Careers for a Changing Climate is a twenty-minute documentary that introduces students to Green STEM Careers as a solution to climate change. Your students will discover these careers through interviews with eight green STEM professionals, learning the skills needed and possible pathways to a Green STEM Career. This instructional supplement and documentary introduces students to eight different careers to help young people learn about careers that can help solve the impacts of climate change using STEM skills. middle school.