National School Standards

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California Education and the Environment Initiative

The California Education and the Environment Initiative is a program of CalRecycle's Office of Education and the Environment (OEE). Our mission is to foster environmental literacy among all California students as part of a high-quality K-12 education. Environmental literacy builds critical thinking and analytic skills that prepare students to make informed decisions about issues affecting our world, and readies them for college and career success.

Essential Prinicpals of Climate Literacy

The guide aims to promote greater climate science literacy by providing this educational framework of principles and concepts. The guide can also serve educators who teach climate science as a way to meet content standards in their science curricula.

Indiana Climate Change Education Framework

The Indiana Climate Change Education Framework offers K-12 educators, especially Indiana educators, the ability to infuse their science curriculum with climate change education. The ICCEF lists resources and links to enable educators to efficiently curate instructional resources and research that align with Purdue’s Five Critical Topics for Teaching Climate Change. These include: weather, climate and climate change; earth's climate system; earth's energy budget and the greenhouse effect; the carbon cycle; and scientific perspectives about climate change.

Minnesota Environmental Literacy Scope and Sequence

Providing a systems approach to environmental education in grades k-12 in Minnesota