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A Green New Learning Agenda: Approaches to Qualtiy Education for Climate Action
This paper introduces a green skills heuristic (Figure 2) to inform decisionmakers on the range of education pathways to transform human social and economic systems to address the climate crisis. This is particularly important as countries attempt to strengthen their Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) strategies with regard to education and training in their updated NDCs, and as efforts to develop National ACE Strategies or National Climate Change Learning Strategies continue.
An Exploration of Ideas Related to the Understanding of Teaching Climate Science and Climate Change
The following document was compiled by select members of a team that developed the National Science Teaching Organization position statement, The Teaching of Climate Science (NSTA 2018). It expands on five important ideas related to the understanding and teaching of climate science.
Climate Change and Environmental Education
The purpose of this module is to provide in-depth information on how Climate Change and Environmental Education (CCEE) can be integrated into the design, implementation and practice of child-friendly schools.1 Many schools are incorporating CCEE in their curricula. While it is impossible to present a complete account of these efforts, this module includes the most relevant examples and illustrates the diversity of approaches.
We address this question using examples of formal school curricula, engineered infrastructure development, and public outreach in Singapore, and through an exploratory “three Rs” approach to climate responsive environmental and sustainability education in the U.S.
Climate Change Education in Formal Settings, K-14: A Workshop Summary.
This workshop summary is based on discussions at a workshop convened on August 31 and September 1, 2011, by the Board on Science Education (BOSE), in collaboration with the Board on Environmental Change and Society (BECS) and the Division on Earth and Life Studies (DELS), of the National Research Council (NRC). This workshop, based on an already articulated need to teach climate change education, provided a forum for discussion of the evidence from research and practice regarding: • how climate change is currently taught in school; • how best to teach climate change in K-14 settings; • what factors impede the teaching of climate change in schools; and • innovations in K-14 climate change change education
Climate Change Pedagogy: A Semester-long Teacher Education Course
Climate change pedagogy explores climate change as a defining issue for educators and students. It inquires into how educators can effectively engage with climate change as a environmental, economic, political and social justice issues.
Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators
Communicating Climate Change provides environmental educators with an understanding of how their audiences engage with climate change information as well as with concrete, empirically tested communication tools they can use to enhance their climate change program.
Conceptualizing Climate Change in the Context of Climate System
The purpose of this article is to articulate a climate system framework for teaching about climate change and to stimulate discussion about what secondary students should know and understand about a climate system.
Developing Pedagogies for Teaching about Climate Change
Preliminary results suggest a socialized understanding of climate change as the consensual paradigm for dealing with the complex challenges presented by climate change. This paradigm affirms research that contest the anchoring of understanding of climate change on scientific concepts. The paper discusses and explores alternative pedagogies aiming to exploit student-teachers’ developed dialogic interactions and socialized scientific knowledge, as foundational in teaching about climate change and enhancing socio-scientific student engagement.
This paper aims to provide environmental educators with insight into the fields of climate change communication and public understanding of climate change. It analyzes the goals and strategies of climate change communication, discusses barriers to public engagement in climate change and considers ways of addressing these barriers in climate change communication and education, with focus on a) the content of climate change communication; b) visualizations; c) framing; d) audience segmentation. is a primer on transformative education for sustainability ...what you'll need in order to green your classroom, your curriculum, your school community,and the heart of your life's work as a teacher. Mainly for k-12 education, with a special focus on primary education.
Identifying Effective Climate Change Education Strategies: a Systematic Review of the Research
.Analysis of these sources examined the intervention purpose, assessment methodology, and identified strategies that might result in effective interventions. Two themes were identified that are common to most environmental education: (1) focusing on personally relevant and meaningful information and (2) using active and engaging teaching methods. Four themes specific to issues such as climate change were also generated: (1) engaging in deliberative discussions, (2) interacting with scientists, (3) addressing misconceptions, and (4) implementing school or community projects. Suggestions for addressing controversial topics like climate change are offered.
Pedagogy of Climate Change (book)
the book provides a valuable resource for climate change educators in Higher Education. The structure of the book telescopes down from institutional campus-wide initiatives, through staff and student perceptions, to curricula, e-learning tools, and single assessment items. Therefore, there is material relevant in the book to all levels of HE activity, from senior managers to new lecturers teaching climate change for the first time
Pedagogies for Times of Climate Change_Closing the Gap between Nature and Culture
This research brief invites educators working with middle school children to critically reflect on what it might mean to create “opportunities to explore, care for, and interact with [what is referred to as] the natural world”
Rethinking Climate Change Education
In climate change education, climate and change are both important and interrelated. It is equally important that the change element is informed by the climate element, and the climate element is taught mindful of the social and economic consequences and complexities of change
While science presents an important lens for understanding climate change, the social disciplines are equally important in understanding and addressing this critical human issue. Deep and meaningful instruction in geography, civics, economics, and literature gives students powerful tools for engaging their communities in addressing climate change now and in the future.
For the last decades, Education Professor David Hicks’ research, writing and teaching have focused on ways of helping students and teachers think more critically and creatively about sustainable futures.
The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change
TFG Climate Change is written for teachers who could benefit from a “teacher-friendly” resource that includes both the basics of climate change science and perspectives on teaching a subject that has become socially and politically polarized. Our audience is high school Earth science and environmental science teachers, and the guide is written to provide the information and graphics that a secondary school teacher needs in the classroom.